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What we do?

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Basic Tourism

Onecommunity association, made up of riverside dwellers, fishermen, students, all residents of the municipalities of Porto de Pedras and São Miguel dos Milagres, on the north coast of Alagoas.

Environmental education

At the same time that the visitor generates income for our riverside people, he learns a little more about the importance of preserving theenvironmentand meet this very special animal.


We fight for the conservation of aendangered speciesof extinction.

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community-based tourism

We guarantee theenvironmental preservationthrough observation tourism and environmental education.

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+ 40
Associates and Beneficiaries
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Manatees being monitored

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Visitors in 2022

How do we work?

Onecommunity association, made up of riverside dwellers, fishermen, students, all residents of the municipalities of Porto de Pedras and São Miguel dos Milagres, on the north coast of Alagoas. We currently have 53 associates, of which 20 are conductors of the Manatee Sanctuary Tour, 23 are rowers, in addition to artisans and collaborating partners, all born and raised in the region.

So, in addition to protecting the Manatee, this workgenerate incomefor our associates and allows them to support their families without impacting the environment.

See who is already a partner of the Peixe-Boi Association

Since 2009, mobilizing people  desire to fight forcommunity rightsto enjoy nature with awareness and responsibility, discussing and proposing solutions to local problems.

Appointment: (82) 3298-6247 or WhatsApp: (82) 99810-3021



Manatee Association
For donations:
Institution 197 - Stone Payments

SAAgency:0001 Account :569200-9 


R. Luiz Ferreira Dorta, 25 - Tatuamunha, Porto de Pedras - AL, 57945-000

Phone: (82) 99810-3021


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Desenvolvido por Everest Fundraising 

©2022 Manatee association

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