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critically endangered

The manatee is today o 
animal moreendangeredin Brazil.


But a gesture from you can change that.

The species is listed as “vulnerable to extinction” worldwide by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN, 2012). In the United States, it is classified as “threatened” by the US Endangered Species Act (1973). In Brazil, it is the most endangered species of aquatic mammal, classified as “critically endangered” since 1989 (MMA, 2010).


There are numerous factors that can drive manatees to extinction or contribute to their disappearance. The main ones are:

Intense hunting in the past:When the Portuguese discovered Brazil, manatees were plentiful in the seas and thousands of animals were killed. The Dutch also promoted hunting and economic exploitation of the species in the Northeast during the colonial period.

Criminal fishing today:today it is more restricted to the Amazon region and Maranhão, but it still exists. In 86% of the catches, harpoons are used. Fishermen also kill manatees with clubs, stabs or shots.


Accidental capture:gillnets or trawls and homemade pumps used to fish for fish and crustaceans also cause the death of manatees by drowning and deep injuries, respectively.

Destruction of the places where you live:The main current threat to manatees is caused, to a large extent, by the disorderly human occupation and economic exploitation of our coastlines. The silting up of rivers, for example, is the main responsible for the stranding and death of young on the beaches. In the Northeast region, 25% of deaths are a consequence of stranding puppies. In the North, this percentage drops to 1.7% (in this region, however, hunting is still practiced). With silting, the females are unable to reach the interior of the estuary at the time of birth and end up giving birth in the open sea. The cubs are carried by the currents and run aground on beaches when the tide goes out.


Pollution:causes death by ingesting garbage and by poisoning the waters and their food.

Motorized boats:the impact of the propellers and hulls of the boats causes serious injuries that cause the death or amputation of part of the animals.

The strong pressure of human occupation on the Brazilian coast has made it difficult for the marine manatee to survive. Currently, it is estimated that there are only 500 specimens of the species in the country. Even in the Northeast, some states no longer register the occurrence of the mammal, as is the case of Bahia and Sergipe. In colonial Brazil, the species occurred from Espírito Santo to Oiapoque.


The manatee communicates throughlittle 'cries', called vocalizations. This communication is very important between mother and calf. The female is able to recognize her young among many others just by vocalization.


Manatees, when in activity, can stay1 to 5 minutes underwater, no breathing. After that, they need to go up to the surface to"restock" the lungs. Already at rest, they can remain submerged for up to 20 minutes.


Appointment: (82) 3298-6247 or WhatsApp: (82) 99810-3021

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