
Learn more about our history and find out why Associação Peixe-Boi deservesyour help
Founded in July 2009, from the desire to fight forcommunity rightsto enjoy nature with awareness and responsibility, discussing and proposing solutions to local problems. A group of community guides came together, initially motivated by the conflicts surrounding manatee observation tourism in a natural environment.
In 2009, the Federal and State Public Ministries, the municipalities of São Miguel dos Milagres and Porto de Pedras, together with theAquatic Mammals Centerand the APA Costa dos Corais, units of ICMBio, and the local community, to defend conservation interests of the most endangered species of aquatic mammal on the Brazilian coast and its habitat, the Costa dos Corais.
At this moment, the Conduct Adjustment Term (TAC) was created for the planning of tourism for the observation of the marine manatee in the APA Costa dos Corais, only allowed in the estuary of the Tatuamunha River, between Porto de Pedras and São Miguel dos Milagres.
For five years the Association has been workingenvironmental educationin schools in the region, bringing students and teachers to get to know the manatee and the mangrove swamp, in addition to serving tourists from all over Brazil and from various places abroad, mainly Holland, France and Switzerland, to visit the Manatee Sanctuary: the Tatuamunha River.
Every two years, ICMBio conducts a new training course for the accreditation of drivers who accompany visitors throughout the manatee observation tour.
Our work is aimed at the service of driving visitors and socio-environmental actions for shared environmental management and improving the quality of life of the local population.
In 2012 we had the opportunity to get to know theSOS Mata Atlântica Foundation, through projects supported by theAPA Costa dos Coraisand for being part of the Board of this conservation unit. So, we were supported by the Foundation in the development of some structuring projects for the Association.